I'm A Nasty Woman Because I Believe In Love Acceptance I Do My Part To Rescue My Country In 2020 T Shirt

You you highlighted the course from your emails and messages from your viewers to having fearful of losing is a I'm A Nasty Woman Because I Believe In Love Acceptance I Do My Part To Rescue My Country In 2020 T Shirt chance between between protecting jobs and also pertaining to the South hospitality industry employs over 2 million people that disproportionately young women people from epic minorities and people who were never paid to the matter social justice I think actually trying to protect and support those jobs is very important now we had a period of time when no one is going out I think it’s important for behavior for the reader back feels like in order to contact those jobs in terms of the scheme itself is library mind that you yes everything and increase in cases today we all that’s very common with many other countries around the world there is a global second bike and indeed off scientist you remember talked about following exactly the same this prompt and staying a little bit different in Belgium they do put what incompetent contactless happening here is essentially the same is not happening lots. Harris as our next vice president you know it comes from people all over the country is already occurring all over the country all ideological views all backgrounds offensive course we are predictable some of them become small over except of course from Donald Trump’s White House and his allies all knew was coming Dakota set your watch is to it Donald Trump is already started his attacks calling quote nasty whiny about how she is quote mean to his appointees is no surprise because whining is what Donald Trump does best bet in any president in American history is anyone surprised down Trump is a problem for the strong women are strong women across the board without a more succumb for less declare if you’re working person worried about whether or not you have a job to go to but not to be able to pay your mortgage pay your. THEN LAST WE HAVE A DOOR PLANET BETWEEN MARS AND JUPITER HAS A SALTY OCEAN BENEATH ITS SURFACE AND MAKING A CONTENDER FOR ALIEN LIFE SO WHAT YOU HEAR MORE AND MORE AND WHAT THIS LAST ARTICLE PRESENTS HIS JUST AFFECTED THEM THERE REPORTING NASA DEFTLY AND FROM DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS TIED TO SPACE EXPLORATION FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES CHINA DEFTLY RUSSIA EVEN INDIA THAT THEY’RE FINDING PLANETS ALL OVER OUR SOLAR SYSTEM THAT HAVE WATER IN SOME SHAPE OR FORM SO IT’S REALLY CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND THIS IS GOING THIS IS WATER ON ALL THE PLANETS ARE ALL THE MOONS IT’S VERY VERY PREVALENT SO THE OPPOSITE THAT WE’VE BEEN TAUGHT THE WATER DOESN’T EXIST IS WRONG SO I THINK THIS’LL BECOME MORE MORE MAINSTREAM INFORMATION AS TIME GOES BY NIGHT I SINGLENESS OUT THIS TIME I CAROL BECAUSE THIS IS BECOMING MORE MORE PART OF DISCLOSURE AND SO WE DON’T KNOW WHERE THEY GET TO TAKE THIS BUT THERE DEFTLY TAKING THE LEAD TO GOVERNMENT AND WHETHER IT’S TO THE MILITARY AND THERE JUST TO EXPOSING MORE MORE INFORMATION AND I STARTED WITH

Source: I'm A Nasty Woman Because I Believe In Love Acceptance I Do My Part To Rescue My Country In 2020 T Shirt

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I'm A Nasty Woman Because I Believe In Love Acceptance I Do My Part To Rescue My Country In 2020 T Shirt
I'm A Nasty Woman Because I Believe In Love Acceptance I Do My Part To Rescue My Country In 2020 T Shirt

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I what is right to smirk think anybody dumb can fool a I'm A Nasty Woman Because I Believe In Love Acceptance I Do My Part To Rescue My Country In 2020 T Shirt lot of people but I tell you if the world was only dumb people there would already crash the shit already EME but you better wake up there’s a lot of people can see to the fall Creek and asked why do you have to put off so many psi ops to try to convince these people that they really pay attention to this work on this one face that get in greater you never get it it’s a hoax 100 in will look at the neck at this one people would and if I look in Nick you think is a real woman yes and then running for president and in dropout cancer that so called election running and then end up being the vice president running for the vice president right now it Biden all you think that happen you. Campus that’s on Capitol Hill right Seattle University yeah yeah you imagine having such a shitty camera that you think you don’t have to do your hair before going on the new deal was made to deploy the police when to pull them back are also wants writers charged with sedition didn’t framing it all to get his whole face it he’s literally talking like one of the crazy people segments with some as read there are modern God car bottom to top off I thought After the interview easily about his EarthLink email address yeah the GeoCities homepage is likely he’s like a man for the job to they wouldn’t get this fucking guy unless he was that brilliant they wouldn’t give a guy with a potato camp shit haircut came angling himself that they wouldn’t give him the mic unless he knew what he was doing but God dammit he doesn’t know anything else the statute constitutional office so I according to this new story they want to charge protesters with wanting to overthrow the government is Como the more conservative news station or saddle. He married in a a legal is we use the right thing when he’s not around sharing what he he only be a very here the full will start 12 pretty is trailing veryand the coverage is people you is very likely makesand the more will gain an Hello you I now I’m excited to finish working on interview but before we start to ask you please describe for channel renal podcast all the interviewsand podcast form link Egyptian below okay is going to be a joy my mama enjoy show youand I love it good thank you was a gray of before now is a can of blonde that unintuitive July feel like okay it’s time for hair change on other things I think I was really worried about my head like just frying like youand had semi bad stories from Zionand overand over yes I lost a lot of people a lot of United just like I do a lot of opinions basically about like what it would do to my headand most of the people who like in the care that onto the guysand the like if you do it right it’s like find something ago I’m doing I really want to do itand then on I also just felt like I needed like a bit of a change like it was the album was almost doneand I was like just getting into design in my going to start doing like photo shootsand then we was was like heavily planning the music videoand just stuff is like going on inand I was ready for that I did a little prematurely happen like a couple months before we have much of the music videoand the music was gone when you do your hairand I in youand you like that it was it was all like kind of a thing to me that I wanted to like the blonde with with the music changed to show personal to human being you make a major hair change the kindnessand if I sometimes change in your life anything that comes bring lab in the brainand body work right as I snap like a look alike outfit is myselfand it kind of feels like a different person you know anyone is a very set of clear like trajectory I guess now you can trace back to tell the story yeah yes from scrolling on intoand then I can be like I probably when I was like just about you that whatever you know just based on the side of my head my my my single did a phenomenal thank you Trey I’m feeling really good this is like one of the best is like I’m just sorry like I was out a lot of coffee but I stuck to the meeting last night like coffee nothing know nothing at all I was a sleep I like 11 but onand I’ve been really looking forward to this inand I’m China like keep my head about meand slow it downand just this is like the most proud of ever been of anything so I just really want to like enjoy this moment I had this is like the fun part getting it share with everyone whyand why is my my mind this record you nowand then blue neighborhood I think I’ve said it before but I think that I have had the like necessary like skill setand know how I think I would’ve made this album last timeand I didn’t like the how to’s I think that just with everything that I said a littleand over the last two years onand the kind of like self confidence that I’ve managed to findand just all that starting a select line a little bit more how to do my joband how to just like apply myself better to to all the stuffand it’s like something a school answer is it’s like I just figured it out a little bit moreand it was the first time that I felt like I had had a vision in my head of somethingand then like actually managed to get it because it’s like two very very different things which I didn’t realize as I laugh at Scott sign was like yes I know exactly what I want to like sound likeand everything in the registry I just had no idea how to like make that happen so I go backand like listen to demos from when I was writing my first album they like all over the place to just be nosy figuring myself out for who I like to work with you how I like to Akin onand I just have a little bit more for get out nowand say I’m just really stoked that I feel like I got like what I was trying to get okay your growing learning right it’s like it’s the evolution process EISA where you most between the first album in this album I think it’s a it’s on the silhouette of everything I think that them the most important one though is sort of like on just like soda getting over that thing it’s like imposter syndrome or whatever we feel like you like not supposed to be way you are kind of thing can isolate get that sometimesand I think that on having to set of find the the confidence to be like I had an idea that I think will be really really cool but unlike kind of embarrassed to suggest all kind of like Nevis to do all night like will I be able to pull it off whatever I think that this entire process I’ve forced myself to kind of like just throw that awayand I’m like go for inner anything that it I can see it at least you know when I’m like I’m excited you see the music but when I can watch the video whatever I’m like I never thought that I would be I would a set of find that self confidenceand then I think that was probably the most important thing to a special beginner it only comes over timeand he comes to trialand errorand knowledge it’s everything that happened to one minute constantly looking like it not being scheduled like an idiot sometimes you know what I mean all sound like an idiotand I miss you when you suggest something that’s like a weirdo is to have to because of to put a bit more faith in yourselfand in your ideasand sometimes at a whackand some is a lotand working with people you feel safe around you you are youand you need you my my my repeated hero is a like almost every song is my best friend as welland so that made the whole process a lot more like specializing first yeah I know you said like the best I went to Sweden togetherand wrote my Mayan we went spent a week in Malibuand a B B riding in Malibu we just like life made it holiday basically she’s going to see if my mind you the story you we are extremely how does that start that morning I we were in Swedenand I’m so inspiredand sweetand I love Sweden so muchand I went to this like sandwichand coffee shop called Joeand the juice settingand there was this song playingand I quickly shazam that just is like the temp to me that like the tempo in the group by the back I remember what the song was called on Sunday about the tempoand like the the yeah the groove it I was just like I can imagine like I could hardly hear this on the class because I do like you that the rhythm of it as a stunning about that rhythm feels like something that I would you know like what is the populist end of kind of like my sound sound like that kind of feels like it is I shazam toand I took it into the studioand and the producer like headand cannot do the thing we tapped to find out what the tempo is restarted from thatand it just like took the session to a place where I never really written the focus normally we start with cordsand then I always of antibodies like kind like melancholy had someand it wasn’t how I was feeling so we wentand we got this like kind of upbeat thing going on that just made me want to danceand and it ended up informing the entire song I think it’s a really like the fact I wanted to dance of that just from like hearing the kick drum in Tampa I think ended up shaping the entire like some mice not a sad song very honest song from my perspective it your scene to somebody tell me you won’t chapter 4 is oblivious of heavy guys are totally in love was that I was about like on it was just like a kind like when we can give this up this little charade upand like let go Unitedand so I think that the choruses of the buses are supposed to be like yes I glanced up running from us let’s running from loveand everything inand just gonna stop denying what we areand is just like go forand in the course is supposed to be that kind of like I just wanted to feel like this huge like releaseand and I think that melody of in the beginning of the cars on just gonna like it helps everything up front that I see that you mentioned a big relief because when we heard it for the first on the song sounds much like bigger a lot of things that uneasy doing that he did on purpose the climax the lyrics totally at yeah I think on for me like in my personal life I just feel like of the last of the two years it’s all to spin about just like having a good timeand and relaxing into myselfand into my lifeand I think you are like when I made the fast on my was undergoing such huge changes in my life just like a growing so much in I do not even like necessarily stuff related to music just like normal teenager stuff you know like leaving homeand just growing up in coming out to everyoneand everything I just got been through not in a bad way but I just been through a lotand I was going to a lot of changesand on I think that’s reflected in the music that like kind of cautiousnessand like tendernessand now I feel a lot less of thatand I just feel a lot more comfortableand so I wanted to I wanted him to feel like happierand just like Freonand the weather Like coming to mindand and has kept in mind is like is my I feel really liberated in itand I wanted that to come acrossand in the album ease my mind based on your reality sort of yeah yeah yeah somebody you just slowly except the fact that was just that it was kind like bad timing when when we metand then just like we need to stop like pretending that this is in a think as I think it is diet healthy to you leave for someone’s every move in early anxiety having like it that’s fine it’s good you risk of losing self identityand IFN of I think maybe don’t like take it as literally as thatand I think it’s just maybe in that particular moment you’re living for the peasants every idea how I get any sort of relationship cell research literally song that I had a my name on his treasure not his treasure on this treasure people have thought about that as well is not my name on it on this trash is just like the relationship to love you niceand the less specific to the same idea I guess the answer to the Jean personally you work with your best friend is a bond you share with me when like there’s I am assuming I don’t know that there’s not many filters between what you end up saying that you know you really hide anything from each other it is like think of like a single secret that I have with himand so that definitely helps a lotand also now we just been riding together for so long that like you can be completely honest with each otherand also you hardly have to like say anything like I can sing somethingand I can always tell when he’s like not that into aand by some essay images from like the way that we respond to each other so that make things a lot easier is what you are dealing with that like Oakwood social elements of the two best friend deep into your special like Ellenand Bernie you need is a lot of great people who write songs together yet he now made music that are now last forever together because of that bond yet school is definitely like a push employs of feels like to house of the same brain a little bit every song reflective of you are you writing about the people know there’ll reflected in the GT plate journal the keep notes on yourself you experienceand then probably are excellent I throughout the data between M1and M2 I write a lot of notes in my phone but on that much I really really wish that I kept it in like a genitals like 15and I didn’t like three monthsand I still so vividly remember those three months I think I’m in the maybe to come backand read the channel like I wish that I had that ended atand why was I wished it’s not too late like I should start today but on his never want to forget this timeand everything in the time consumingand tough to is a lot of work I do as of the night I had that you use them for 27 days at like you build have Xand cited it as that of the 27 daysand ended up doing it like 60 something on that than a NNI when traveling or somethingand just forgot about you feel your feelings you detail experience yet or like on wheelieand like most often it’ll just be a single word even if I don’t even own it what necessarily what the word means yet like I’m drivingand I see like a sign as a cool lead on it already down to you why did you take time between the neighborhoodand in my my my like you could’ve just kept in the neckand goingand pounding music right away like why did you need to take the time to read it I like really wanted to take a break I think I just set of just wanted to spend some time like coming gathering myself inand building a little bit more of like a regular life for myself onand then as well I just wasn’t like ready musically yet you know I think ice I took a good while offand then by the time I got into the studio’s album actually came together really quickly I think is it’s been almost a year now since I started writing about for me it’s felt like like pantomiming language a set of like the songs were just like comingand there was no rush as well like I I could taken a lot longer might like team was super supportive of me just taking as long as I needed but on I was really excitedand I got into the studio I had so many ideasand was asked already to go that just was like yourself after the first album cycle little bit because he is released Mikey promoted have on your album it’s not like it’s long it’s hard it’s a escape from reality a little bit you that I think I saw the on to do a little bit like reevaluating you know it’s like such as surreal experience in such an overwhelming wanted to like the release now menand have like so many of these moments where like unified it done like one of those experiences I would’ve remembered it for the rest of my life in a but to have like all of these crazy amazing but crazy experiences happen so quickly I felt like I was like on the comedown from some like crazy drug or something you know is like just really I needed a second to like regroup in English togetherand then you can’t really appreciate each one for is actually worth was like I value very very highly my like relationships in my lifeand my family my friends upand say on I wanted to kind of like much of those a little bit moreand I was like getting sick as I was kind exhausted and’s eyes needed a bit of a breakand I took itand is good collaboration on how I don’t know of any air said there might be some feelers out for you have songs that could fit somebody does is like one song that I could potentially get someone onand I just haven’t I haven’t done it yet place let’s talk about you come here you put things University tend happen classic car traceand on that area that happened I want to say Ike is atand I’m still not sure if I actually wanted on a why what you want why on the fence just as I think I’m just in the first things does like it is 1 million people that I would love to collaborate with but on I just think like song is the most important thing inand I’m not I haven’t decided if the song like one set on your work with a rapper can abstractor be really cool that is in that group but Kempton okay yeah he hasand I really really like him a lotand I’m so happy for all the guys did an amazing but on vehicleand then the house I mean I was huge azalea banks that went south from performing the website you just want to support so badand that just doesn’t make out like that most is don’t do something nowand put out a song you like fire the you can’t you can’t engage in 40 wrong again if you ever like there is some pressure on social media at least be out thereand to be openand writing when you’re specially out there helping you run a risk of like totally had a moment I’m sure I’ll have a moment at some pointand I think everyone around us I think that the important thing is like how you reactand respond to to them I’m in them just being able to recognize that like nonstatic including yourself inand be willing to landand apologizeand grow from the expenses the sheep dealing chic all of us in this roomand she should harness as a person when you story on YouTube today each of really different placed in the area like I remember those days you remember present on Internet days he was just a different to provide is a different want any different motivation behind why people are creating what you think of the Internet it’s like a it’s just a reflection I think of like society like that is goodand bad Unitedand I said in parts of each that I have not even like delved into by choiceand then there’s other parts that I’m like really really into I’m obsessed at the make up community on YouTube I like what’s a lot of makeup videos that’s like a pleasant environment one of them is a lot of crazy people in the fall really early see that you be able to take on Feeney turning into a career that will last forever is you have a nice for him to say if you sitting in front of you know me not having a amine like the place necessarily to give advice to anyone nice but I think I just think you know with with an audience comes like great responsibilityand it something that needs to be handled very delicately I also think that it’s not it’s not you don’t subscribe to himself how many millions times like this people out there who are supporting such an English philosopher hold himself accountableand asked like should I be it I be doing this in the company like you can come back from mistake like that that’s a pretty day I thought you item at an data you need to full timeand uploading content daily I don’t think so on I just like I think a big thing for me has always been my like audiences super super super smartand always knows when something is like genuineand what notand like that the honest truth is that I just stopped enjoying making YouTube videosand I think I was to start up again on like why you doing yeah neck as they would just be a to consider I think as a fan right the purpose behind reaching the Israelis to shareand to express yourselfand to build a relationship of a full time vehicle needs XL the same thing just in a different formand an idea just grew you know I like change the I think I’m personally if I was like a fan of me I would be much more excited by my my my than I would’ve been by like a daily blog you say I’m hoping that the audience so just like his is going with itand is interested in itand most of them the same thing maybe they they would be Stata little while ago we erased Indian you are an actor you are mean the X Men baby has a really long time ago I interviewed you for X Men no tenure as a galley in a phone interviewand you are in Australia or in the media has a where God I remember because the phone cut out midway through the interview to run from my bedroom all the way down to my parents office to recall you remember it so vividly that maybe tonight you like 10 years ago some I that is so crazy I don’t know anybody I will try to find it pleased to be so crazy as my parents or my immunity is like to find out is really nervous my pantsand tell me I get reconnected who we like interviewed me for I
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